Sunday, September 21, 2014

Questions & Religion Don't Mix


  1. i remember growing up under the teachings of the catholic church. at the time, they told us to listen and obey the word of the lord and not to bother reading the bible for ourselves. they said we wouldn't understand it. now whether you're religious or not, knowledge is power and that is the one thing that the religions of this world survive on, power. what religion wants is for people to listen and obey, they don't want you to think for yourself. personally i prefer to think for myself and if i am going to have faith or hope in something, it needs to be faith or hope from my own belief, not somebody else's. that requires knowledge and knowledge requires questioning.

    without the questioning, you allow others to have power over your beliefs. without knowledge, your beliefs are not your own.

  2. Right in catlick school and sunday school they said to listen to the priests and read the catechism rather then the buyBull. Once I got into the buyBull at seminary I saw the evil of the original sin concept and soon was an atheist.

    1. I also became an atheist while studying religion at a religious college -- but mine was at a fundamentalist school.


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